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Guide to
on the Web |
Images of Medieval and Later Manuscripts |
- The British Library
- The Online Gallery
- Sacred An exhibit of some of the most exquisite Jewish, Christian and Muslim holy books and manuscripts.
- Exhibits fron the Library of Congress - Washington D.C.
- Creating French Culture: Treasures from the Biblioth�que nationale de France
- Dresden: Treasures from the Saxon State Library
- Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture
- Beginnings - World Treasures from the international collections of the Library of Congress
- American Treasures from the Library of Congress
- The Culture and history of America - Jay I. Kislak Collection
- The Age of King Charles V (1338 - 1380)
1,000 Illuminations from the Department of Manuscripts at the Biblioth�que Nationale de France
- Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University
- Paging Through Medieval Lives
Illumination and Calligraphy From Selected Collections Exhibition held at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts
- J. Paul Getty Museum
- Fit for a King Courtly Manuscripts, 1380�1450
- Five Hundred Years of Manuscript Illumination
- The Making of a Medieval Book
- Glory of the Gothic Page
- Songs of Praise: Illuminated Choir Books
- Seeking Illumination: Monastic Manuscripts, 800�1200
- Looking at Illuminated Manuscripts - curriculum
The Morgan Library (New York, N.Y., USA)
- CORSAIR - The Online Research Resource of the Pierpont Morgan Library
- Collections
- Digital images from Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts
- Abbey Library of St. Gallen - Switzerland
- Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) - Virtual Library of medieval codices.
- University of Glasgow Library - Scotland
- Choix de miniatures des manuscrits
de l'Universit� de Li�ge (in French)
- Color images from Medieval Manuscripts in the University of Kentucky Special Collections Library
- Oxford University
- Early Manuscripts at Oxford - Digital facsimiles of complete manuscripts, scanned directly from the originals.
- Bodleian Library: Towards an Image Catalogue Digitized images from the Oxford University Library's slide collection of manuscripts
- The John Rylands Library - University of Manchester
- Ut Re Mi: Early Music Manuscripts exhibit at The John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
- Image Gallery - a selection of images of some of the better-known items from the The John Rylands Library's Special Collections
- Cornell University Library (Ithaca, N.Y., USA)
Division of Rare & Manuscript Collections, exhibits
- From Manuscript to Print: The Evolution of the Medieval Book
- Living and Reliving the Icelandic Sagas
- Paper, Leather, Clay, & Stone: The Written Word Materialized
- Beautiful Birds: Masterpieces from the Hill Ornithology Collection
- Nature�s Garland: Illustrated Botanical Works from Cornell University Library
- The Art of the Book: 500 Years of Printing, Illustration, and Bookbinding
- ISOS - Irish Script on Screen - is a joint project which provides digital images of Irish manuscripts
- Illuminated Manuscripts Tour from the Cleveland Museum of Art
- View images of manuscripts from the Oriental Departmentin the Library of Leiden University
- National Library of the Czech Republic
- On-line version of The Aberdeen Bestiary
a collaborative effort between the Aberdeen University Library, the Department of History of Art and the Centre for Computer Based Learning in Land Use and Environmental Sciences (CLUES)
- Manuscript Images from the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library The Bush Center - Saint John's University
- Book of Hours from the University of Pittsburgh - Frick Fine Arts Library
- Artz Hours from Oberlin College Library's Special Collections
- Books of Hours in the Wellesley College Library's Special Collections, Wellesley College
- The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image (SCETI)
provides digital facsimiles of various important holdings including printed books and manuscripts in the University of Pennsylvania Library
- The Kenneth Willis Clark Collection of Greek Manuscripts
Special Collections Duke University Library
- Treasures from Europe's National Libraries
is part of Gabriel,the Gateway to Europe's National Libraries.
- Renaissance Diplomatic Documents (1450 - 1500)
Images from the Ilardi Microfilm Collection - Yale University library
- Treasures of Mount Athos
from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture
- The Topkapi Palace Museum
- The Charrette project
is a scholarly, multi-media electronic archive containing the medieval manuscript tradition of Chr�tien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette (Lancelot, ca. 1180).
Department of Romance Languages - Princeton University
- National Library of Russia
- The John Rylands Library - University of Manchester
- Ut Re Mi: Early Music Manuscripts exhibit at The John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
- Image Gallery - a selection of images of some of the better-known items from the The John Rylands Library's Special Collections
- Treasures of Mount Athos
- La Trobe University Library Medieval Music Database
A searchable database of of scores, colour images, texts and bibliographic information of medieval music
- Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum (TML) is an evolving database of the entire corpus of Latin music theory written during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
- saggi musicali italiani (SMI) is a database for texts of Italian music theory and aesthetics
- Lexicon musicum Latinum medii aevi (LmL)
is a dictionary of medieval Latin musical terminology to the end of the 15th century (in English and German)
- CANTUS - from The University of Western Ontario
Is database for Latin Ecclestical Chant provides indices of chants in selected manuscripts and early printed sources of the liturgical Office.
- Cantus Planus - provides a data pool for research on Gregorian chant.
- THEMA created by Sandra Pinegar is a hypertext database of transcriptions of 18 manuscript copies of 14 Latin theoretical treatises related to musica mensurabilis of the thirteenth century
- Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae
- from the University of Copenhagen, Institute for Greek and Latin
- conducts research activities in the field of Byzantine chant.
- The Gregorian Chant Home Page - Princeton University
Provides links to other chant research sites on the Web
Palaeography / Calligraphy |
- Medieval Writing
An introduction to the history of medieval writing, paleography and the history of scripts by Dianne Tillotson.
- Medieval Manuscript Manual
A downloadable manual on Medieval Manuscripts from Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
- A Primer in Calligraphy and Illumination
An introduction into the arts of Calligraphy and Illumination by By �ke Eldberg.
- A Beginner's Guide to Medieval Palaeography
by Heidi Lutzeier - MA Archives & Records Management, UCL School of Library, Archive and Information Studies
- Palaeography
A resource in Palaeography and Manuscript studies.
European Medieval and Classical Texts |
- Perseus Project from Tufts University
Provides Latin and English versions of Classical Authors
- The Latin Library at Ad Fontes Academy
Provides Classical, Christian, and Medieval Texts in Latin
- The Ecole Initiative - The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia
University of Evansville The site is no nonger maintained
- The St. Pachomius Library
Provides access to English translations of early Christian Church literature
- SOL - Suda On Line: Byzantine Lexicography
A 10th century CE compilation of material on ancient literature, history, and biography.
- EuroDocs from Brigham Young University
Selected transcriptions, facsimiles and translations of Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe
- The University of Chicago Library Electronic Open Stacks (EOS)
Provides image-based digital facsimiles of various texts.
- The On-Line Books Page
by John Mark Ockerbloom
- The Internet Public Library
hosted by the School of Information at the University of Michigan
Other Resources |
- The Online Resource Book for Medieval Studies (ORB)
A cooperative effort by scholars to create a resource for Medieval studies on the World-Wide Web
- Monastic Scriptoria and the Transmission of Texts
Includes information and links By Bro. Richard Oliver OSB, MA - St. John's Abbey
- Early Printed Books Project
Early Printed Books in Oxford Libraries outside the Bodleian from the University of Oxford
- Repositories of Primary Sources
List of collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, historical photographs, oral histories, or other primary sources from the The University of Idaho
- Bibliotheca universalis
A Project to make the major works of the world's scientific and cultural heritage accessible to the public via multimedia technologies
- The Book and Paper Group ANNUAL
a non-juried anthology of papers pertaining to the conservation and preservation of works of art on paper, books and library and archival materials published by The American Institute for Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works
- Medieval Seals
A Collection of Facsimiles at the Medieval Institute, The University of Notre Dame
- The Catholic Encyclopedia
from New Advent
- Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
Links to over 20 Special Collection Libraries
- Memory of the World Programme
UNESCO programme for the preservation and dissemination of valuable archive holdings and library collections around the world
Guides to Related Web Sites |
Back to Index
The DScriptorium
Provides links to sites relating to Medieval manuscripts
- The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies
Sponsored by Georgetown University
- Medieval Manuscripts on the Web
listings from Si�n Echard's Medieval and Arthurian Pages
- Explore the Internet
From the Library of Congress
- Bellum Catilinae
Sites for the Greek and Latin Classics
- Library of Congress - Links to Greek and Latin Classics Texts