Ushapti Figurine

Papyri Pages

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Ushapti Figurine

(A collection of links about ancient Egyptian Papyri and related subjects)

Subject Index

Papyrus Collections (On-Line)

Multi-Institutional Gateways, Projects and Databases

Book of the Dead and Hieroglyphic Sites
Demotic Papyri
Greek and Latin Papyri
Coptic Sites
Islamic and Arabic Manuscripts
Hebrew Manuscripts

On-Line Exhibits
Texts On-Line (Classics, etc...)

Paper and the History of Paper
Western Medieval and Later Manuscripts
Early European Printed Books
Asian Manuscripts and Printed Books

Other Resources

Computers and Imaging of papyri
Papyri storage and conservation

More Papyri Related Site Lists
News and Events

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Papyrus Collections (On-Line)

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Duke University
Duke Papyrus Archive

University of California at Berkeley
Tebtunis Papyri Collection

University of Michigan
Papyrus Collection

University of Cologne
Papyrus Collection

University of Copenhagen
Carlsberg Papyrus Collection
The Institute for Greek and Latin

Giessener Papyrussammlungen
Bibliothekssystem der
Justus-Liebig-Universit�t Giessen

University of Glasgow
Greek papyrus fragments from Oxyrhyncus
University Library Special Collections

Houghton Library
Harvard College
Papyri collection
Digital Papyri at Houghton Library

Universit�t Heidelberg
Institut f�r Papyrologie
Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis
der griechischen Papyrusurkunden �gyptens

Greek Papyri
Demotic Papyri

Universit� di Lecce
Centro di Studi Papirologici
Demotic Papyri Collection

Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung
University of Leipzig Bibliothek

Center for Judaic Studies
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
Papyri Collection

Princeton University Library
Papyrus Home Page

The Oxyrhinchus Papyri
Photographic Archive of Papyri
in the Cairo Museum

Centre for the Study
of Ancient Documents (CSAD)

at Oxford University

Papyrological Indexing Network (PINAX)
a digital library of collections of displayed papyrus images and texts
The Antinoopolis Papyri (P. Ant.)
The Herculaneum Papyri (P. Herc.)
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri / Oxyrhynchus Online
Supplementum Magicum
University of Oxford

The Hawara Papyri
The Department of Greek and Latin
University College London

Macquarie papyri
Ancient History Documentary Research Centre
Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)

Papyri are only a small part of the
Egyptian Collection at the
The British Museum

Rylands Papyri
The John Rylands University Library
The University of Manchester

Papyri and Ostraka Collection
University of Minnesota Libraries
University of Minnesota

The Sch�yen Collection
Checklist of manuscripts spanning 5000 years

Department of Papyri and Papyrus Museum
The Austrian National Library

Arabic Papyrus and Paper Collection
The Aziz S. Atiya Middle East Library
of the J. Willard Marriott Library
at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City

Robert C. Horn Papyri Collection
Trexler Library
Muhlenberg College
Allentown, PA, U.S.A.

Department of Papyrology
at Warsaw University (Poland)
Papyri and Ostraka Collection
Photographs and descriptions of the papyri

Papyrus Database
Yale Papyrus Collection
at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Yale University

Washington University Papyri Collection
Washington University

Institut de Papyrologie
Les Collections de Papyrus
Universite Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Mostra Virtuale dei Materiali delle Biblioteche
Universit� degli Studi di Bologna
Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo

Multi-Institutional Gateways, Projects and Databases


An interdisciplinary portal of
papyrological and epigraphical resources
dealing with Egypt and the Nile valley
between roughly 800 BC and AD 800

Trismegistos Partiner Sites

Trismegistos Texts Database

Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Texts

Leuven Database of Ancient Books

Brussels Coptic Database

Hieroglyphic and Hieratic Papyri

Aramaic Texts from Egypt

Arabic Papyrology Database

Catalogue of Paraliterary Papyri



Advanced Papyrological Information System



List of APIS Participating Institutions

American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Petra Papyri

Bad� Museum of Biblical Archaeology, Pacific School of Religion (PSR)

The Berenike Project

University of California at Berkeley

The British Museum

California State University, Sacramento

University of Chicago

Columbia University

Duke University

Universit�t Heidelberg, Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis (HGV)

The Hermitage Museum

University of Michigan

New York University

University of Oslo

University of Pennsylvania

Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton University

Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology

Stanford University

University of Toronto

Washington State University, Pullman

University of Wisconsin at Madison

Yale University

Papyrus Portal

A project that provides the search capability
of all digitized and electronically catalogued
papyrus collections in Germany.
The results are presented in a standardized format
along with information on the particular papyrus.
Universit�t Leipzig
(In German and English)

General information
Project Documentation
Papyrus Collections in Germany
(PDF list with links by Marius Gerhard)

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On-Line Exhibits

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Oxyrhinchus: A City and its Texts
at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (July 1 to Aug 2, 1998)

The Roman Site of Karanis
on-line version of the 1983 exhibition catalogue
about the site and the Kelsey Museum's 1924-1935 excavations
University of Michigan

From Papyri to King James:
The transmission of the English Bible

at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library
University of Michigan

Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity
Special Collections Library
University of Michigan Library

Writing in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Papyrus Collection of the
University of Michigan

Ancient Writing Materials
Papyrus Collection of the
University of Michigan

Cornell University Library
Rare Book and Manuscript Collections

TT99 Website
The tomb of Senneferi
(Excavations and Finds)

Virtual tour of the history of paper and papermaking
at the Robert C. Williams Paper Museum
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.

From the Sands of The Sahara
Ancient Kellis and Its Texts

at the Monash University Library Rare Books Collection

Explore the Collections of the
The British Museum

Death and Life in Ancient Egypt and
Gods, Graves and Mummies:
the way to eternity in Ancient Egypt

presented by the
Poznań Archaeological Museum , Poland

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Book of the Dead and
Hieroglyphic related Sites

Back to Page Index

Hieroglyphic and Hieratic Papyri (HHP)
Database of metadata which provides information
about all published and some unpublished texts

View a section from a Book of the Dead in the
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

View a fragment of a Book of the Dead
and Amduat of Tanetshedkhons
in the Michael C. Carlos Museum
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.

View a section of the Papyrus of Nes-min
(The Book of the Dead) in the DIA Galleries
Detroit Institute of Arts

Zagreb Papyrus Home Page
Features images of (Book of the Dead)
papyri in the
Egyptian Collection,
Archaeological Museum In Zagreb, Croatia

The Book of What Is in the Underworld
Echos of Eternity Exhibit
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Read an English translation of the Book of the Dead.
Papyrus of Ani translated by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge

Book of the dead of Maiherperi and AM-Duat
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Ancient Egyptian language (Discussion List)
A dedicated forum for the discussion of the ancient
Egyptian language(s) and texts. Includes text
transcriptions, translations and other information
about various ancient Egyptian languages.

a web guide and directory to
Egyptian Hieroglyphics
by Tim Spalding

Learn about hieroglyphics and many other
topics concerning ancient Egypt at
Guardian's Egypt

TKSESH - A hieroglyphic database system
Project Abstract by Serge Rosmorduc
�quipe, laboratoire LRIA, Universit� Paris 8

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Demotic Papyri

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DEMOTIC TEXTS published on the World Wide Web
by Alexandra A. O'Brien and is a project and publication
of The Research Archives of the
Oriental Institute, Chicago

Demotic Dictionary Project
A project and publication of The Research Archives of the
Oriental Institute, Chicago

Oriental Institute Demotic Ostraca Online (O.I.D.O.O.)
The Oriental Institute, of the University of Chicago

Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Texts (DAHT)
Database of metadata which provides information
about published and some unpublished texts

A Practical Guide to the
Grammar of Egyptian Demotic

with Texts, Exercises and Vocabulary texts
by Leonardo Caldas Vieira

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Greek and Latin Papyri

Back to Page Index

Manuscript reproductions (including papyri) from
Edward Maunde Thompson's An Introduction to Greek and
Latin Paleography
and Franz Steffens' Proben aus grieschischen
Handschriften und Urkunden,
are featured at
Paul Halsall's Byzantine Paleography

P.Columbia 408Collection of Tax receipts
Guide to Reading Ancient Greek Script
by Richard C. Carrier

The Philodemus Project, an international effort
to reconstruct new texts of Philodemus' works,
includes images and information about
the papyri found at Herculaneum

Homer and The Papyri
provides a database listing published papyri
and related items for the Iliad and the Odyssey
The Homer Multitext Project
Center for Hellenic Studies

Das Ph�nomen Homer
in Papyri, Handschriften und Drucken

�sterreichische Nationalbibliothek
(In German)

Ancient Greek Music on Papyrus
by William A. Johnson - examines two
musical papyri and allows you hear
the music represented on these papyri
Department of Classics,
University of Cincinnati

Vindolanda Tablets Online
Romano-British wooden tablets excavated at the
Roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England
Oxford University

by Wieland Willker - includes images of
the fragments, the restored greek text
and translations

K.U.Leuven, Department of Classical Studies

The Hawara Papyri
The Department of Greek and Latin
University College London

Kleopatra VII papyrus
(In German)

Codex Sinaiticus
Codex Sinaiticus Project
is an international collaboration to reunite
the entire manuscript in digital form
and make it accessible to a global audience.

Biblical Manuscripts
The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art
Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C.

The Biblical Manuscripts Project
presents high quality images and transcriptions
of important Bible manuscripts
and early printed editions

Tongeren Papyrus
Gallo-Roman Museum
Tongeren, Belgium.

Greek Law in Roman Times
A Computerized Databank of Greek
Legal Documents From Egypt and the Hellenistic World
by Uri Yiftach Firanko
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Perseus Digital Library
Tufts University

The electronic gateway to the
study of ancient Greek

Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
Translate Latin to English
Translate English to Latin
Words by William Whitaker
University of Notre Dame Archives by Kevin Cawley

The Parallel Lives of Michael Ventris and Linda Schele
and the Decipherment of Mycenaean and Mayan Writing
The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection
General Libraries, University of Texas

CeDoPaL - Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Litt�raire
University of Li�ge
(French and English)
provides information and resources for
the study of Hellenistic Greek

For links relating to to
Medieval and later Greek and Latin Manuscripts

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Coptic Sites

Back to Page Index

The Coptic Network (Copt-Net) provides extensive
information on a wide range of Coptic related subjects.

The Coptic Encyclopedia
The Coptic Alphabet

The St. Shenouda The Archimandrite Coptic Society
offers information about Coptic related subjects.
A sampling of offerings is listed below.

Manual of Coptic Studies
Coptic Manuscripts
Coptic Language

The Judas Gospel
National Geographic Society

The Coptic Museum
Cairo, Egypt (Includes images of the Nag Hammadi papyri)

International Association for Coptic Studies

(Italian and English)

Brussels Coptic Database
of published documentary texts
Universit� Libre de Bruxelles.

Metalogos: The Gospels of Thomas, Philip & Truth
An Introductory Coptic Grammar(Sahidic Dialect) by John Martin Plumley
A Coptic Dictionary by Walter Ewing Crum
The Ecumenical Coptic Project from
Resources for studying the three Nag Hammadi Gospels

The Gnostic Society Library
The Gnostic Society

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Islamic and Arabic Manuscripts Sites

Back to Page Index

Institute of Oriental Studies,
University of Zurich
APD - The Arabic papyrology Database
IASP (International Society for Arabic Papyrology)
Arabic Papyrology School (APS)

Arts of the Islamic World
Visual Poetry (Paintings and Drawings from Iran)
The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art
Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C.

Paul Halsall's Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
provides a wealth of resources on Islamic history

Islamic and Arabic Arts
including calligraphy, rugs, and coins
from the Islamic and Arabic Arts
and Architecture Organization

Arabic Papyri,
Qur' ânic Manuscripts and Islamic Inscriptions
are some of the topics discussed
at the Islamic Awareness website

National Library and Archives of Egypt

Islamic Medical Manuscripts
at the National Library of Medicine

Arabic Manuscripts of the National Library of the Czech Republic

Manuscripts and Manuscript Books
in the
National Library of Kazakhstan

Ancient Arabic Manuscripts at the AUB Libraries
Jafet Library - Archives and Special Collections
American University of Beirut

Arabic Papyrus and Paper Collection
The Aziz S. Atiya Middle East Library
J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah,

Minasian Collection of Arabic and Persian Manuscripts
Digital Collections
UCLA Library
California, U.S.A.

The Refaiya Library
Islamic Manuscripts
at the Leipzig University Library,
Leipzig, Germany

Islamic Art
at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
California, U.S.A.

Islamic Art
at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Ancient Manuscripts from the Desert Libraries of Timbuktu
Selections of Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Calligraphy
The African and Middle Eastern Reading Room
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Manuscript Collection and
Gallery of Virtual Exhibitions
from theInstitute of Ismaili Studies (IIS)
London, United Kingdom

The Princeton Shahnama Project
Princeton University

Medieval Islamic views of the Cosmos
The Book of Curiosities

Bodleian Library
University of Oxford

The Koran Collection At The Topkapi Palace Library
The Topkapi Palace Museum
Ankara, Turkey

Beit Al Qur'an:
'The House of the Qur'an'
Manama, Bahrain

The Museum of Islamic Art

Arabic Calligraphy
Geometric Decoration and the Art of the Book
Discover Islamic Art in the Mediterranean
Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF)

Early Islamic Coins
by James N. Roberts

Islamic Texts and Resources

University at Buffalo

Reconstructing the Quseiri Arabic Documents
from the
Department of Arabic and
Middle Eastern Studies and
the Centre for Mediterranean Studies
partnered with the
Quseir al-Qadim project
at the University of Southampton
United Kingdom

Institut du Monde Arabe
(The Institute of the Arab World)
(In French)

Manuscript Heritage (H�ritage manuscrit)
Iranian Manuscript Series
The computer cataloguing & digitalization
of manuscript collections project by the
Laboratoire des manuscrits orientaux of the
�cole pratique des Hautes �tudes IVth Section, Paris
and the Iranian World team, research group UMR 7528
of the National Center of Scientific Research
(CNRS, �PHE, National Institute of Oriental Languages,
Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle University)

Written in Stone
Inscriptions from The National Museum of Saudi Arabia
Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History

Edward William Lane's
Arabic-English Lexicon (Dictionary)

All 8 volumes in PDF format.
from StudyQuran

Saudi Aramco World Magazine
highlights the cultures, history and
geography of the Arab and Muslim worlds
and their connections with the West
Aramco Services Company

The Islamic Timeline

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Hebrew Manuscripts

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Scrolls From the Dead Sea:
The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship

at the Library of Congress, Washington DC (1993)

Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran
by Mitchell A. Hoselton

The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit
at the Cambridge University Library

The Princeton Geniza Project
of the Department of Near Eastern Studies
Princeton University

The Orion Center
For the study of the Dead Sea
Scrolls and Associated Literature
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Shrine of the Book is home to
the the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient manuscripts
and is part of the The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

The 'Textual Mechanics' of Early Jewish
LXX/OG Papyri and Fragments

Article By Robert A. Kraft (includes images)

Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran
by Mitchell A. Hoselton West Semitic Research Project.
University of Southern California School of Religion

Project Judaica Foundation

View a Dead Sea Scroll fragment
Dead Sea Scroll Project
Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago

The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
contains one of the largest and most exhaustive
collections of Hebraica and Judaica in the world

An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
Seminar adapted from The New York Public Library's publication
A Sign and a Witness: 2,000 Years of Hebrew Books and Illuminated Manuscripts
Fathom Archive (Columbia University)

Hebraica Web Resources : Formats, Fonts and More
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Institute of
Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
at the Jewish National and University Library
at Hebrew University - Givat Ram, Jerusalem, ISRAEL

The Biblical Archaeology Society(BAS)

Cairo Genizah Links

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Texts On-Line (Classics, etc...)

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Listing of Links to
Greek and Latin Classics Texts
from the Library of Congress

Open-Access Text Archive
Internet Archive

Latin and English versions of Classical Authors
from the Perseus Project Tufts University

Classical, Christian, and Medieval Texts in Latin
from The Latin Library at Ad Fontes Academy

The Ecole Initiative
The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia
University of Evansville

The St. Pachomius Library
provides access to English translations
of early Christian Church literature

Suda On Line: Byzantine Lexicography
A 10th century CE compilation
of material on ancient literature,
history, and biography

Selected transcriptions, facsimiles and translations
of Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe
Brigham Young University

Electronic Open Stacks (EOS)
from the University of Chicago Library
provides image-based digital facsimiles of various texts

Vergil's Home Page and The Vergil Project
includ links to Vergil's texts, related sites and
Images from the Vatican Library's
Vergil MSS Vat. lat. 3225 and 3867

The On-Line Books Page
by John Mark Ockerbloom

The Internet Public Library
hosted by the School of Information at
the University of Michigan

Roman Law Resources
Edited by Ernest Metzge
University of Aberdeen

The Gnosis Archive
The Gnostic Society

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Other Resources

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Advanced Papyrological Information System

An interdisciplinary portal of
papyrological and epigraphical resources
dealing with Egypt and the Nile valley
between roughly 800 BC and AD 800

Leuven database of ancient books(LDAB)
The Leuven Homepage of
Papyrus Collections World Wide
Prosopographia Ptolemaica
(lists inhabitants of Egypt between 300 and 30 B.C)
Fayum Project
(gazetteer of villages)
at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

La papyrologie
Centre d�Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance - Institut de Papyrologie
L'universit� de Strasbourg
(In French)

Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents
at Oxford University

The Papyrological Navigator
retrieves and displays information from
The Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS)
The Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP)
and The Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis (HGV)
Columbia University
(Project is still under construction.)

The Egypt Exploration Society

The Institut fran�ais d'arch�ologie
orientale du Caire

Digital Egypt for Universities
University College London

Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web
by Timothy W. Seid, Ph.D.

American Society of Papyrologists (ASP)

Department of Papyri and Papyrus Museum
The Austrian National Library

Association Internationale de Papyrologues (AIP)
Homepage (In French)

Museo del Papirodi Siracusa
(In Italian)

Ancient Egyptian mathematics
School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of St Andrews, Scotland

The Indo-European Database (TIED)
provides information on the language,
history and culture of various
Indo-European peoples.

Ancient Scripts of the World
by Lawrence Lo

Egyptology Resources
The first Egyptology site on the web
By Nigel Strudwick

University of Crete
Department of Philology
Workshop of Papyrology and Epigraphy



Center for History and New Media (CHnM)

RK Ancient Fonts
a collection of TrueType fonts for MS Windows
from Reinhold Kainhofer

Translate plain text or an entire Web page at
AltaVista Translation with SYSTRAM

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For additional listings of
Papyri Related Sites,
News and Events

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The Papyrological Bulletin PAPY list
(Listserv - discussion list about Papyrological topics)

What's New in Papyrology
(Blog maintained by Gregg Schwendner)
at Current Epigraphy ISSN: 1754-0909
(reports news, publications and events
in Greek and Latin epigraphy.)

John D. Muccigrosso's
Papyrology Home Page

The University of Chicago's Oriental Institute
ABZU: Papyrology Index

Papyri On Line
Risorse on line per gli studi e le ricerche di Papirologia
Insegnamento di Papirologia - Dipartimento di Storia
Universit� degli Studi di Parma, Italy

List of Papyri related links


The Department of Greek and Latin at
The Ohio State University

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